Sunday, November 29, 2009


In my book, it's a great day ifwe get out for a walk. One of the nice things about living where we do is that when it comes to walking we have lots of options. Do we want a treed trail by the creek (perfect for a gray, wet day)? Do we need a walk in the open up the gulch (Sun!)? Do we want a climb and a vista (any weather will do)? Each of these walks works on me in a different way, but not one fails as a mood lifter. So, here's a few snaps from some recent walks. Enjoy. I did.

Walk #1

Walk #2

We found a fort!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Corin snapped this picture the other day. I love its simple lines and single palate. There is something about its spareness that I find restful without being dreary. Its wonderful really, this view he captured. It is our stairwell, a place I am always charging through - hauling heaps of laundry down, running up to retrieve socks for the boys, dashing down to answer the door/phone/child's tears. It took my son sharing his view for me to see the space in a new frame, to see its arching quietness and cathedral-like rise. Its been there all along, but thanks to Corin, I now know to pause and look up.

Things in these parts have been well. We All Hallows Eve'd it with the neighborhood, meeting friends from the Northside at the new Kettlehouse before everyone started their door-to-door rounds. Tim and the boys carved pumpkins while I put the last touches on Corin's costume (Vincent Vampire Bat from the Zoo Phonics program his kindergarten uses - at least that's what the five dollars of felt, glue, thread, and wire was meant to approximate). The boys had a great time, coming home red-nosed from the cold and bright-eyed with the haul.

Corin's pumpkin

Seth: a big helper

Vincent Vampire Bat and Fooball Guy

One more picture from Corin to finish off the post. Some days this is what I look for, just that bit of blue sky that makes all the difference.