Wednesday, September 29, 2010


For the past nine months, Corin and Seth have been taking a biweekly dose of Taekwondo. These boys have learned some blocks, kicks, and punches, commands in Korean, and a healthy bit of self-discipline. During each practice, following warmups, the teacher gathers the students in a circle. They stretch, share a moment of silence and repeat their five tenents. I love hearing them recite these important life-lessons: "Modesty, perseverance, self control, indomitable spirit, etiquette, sir." Traits we could all use help with, no doubt.

The boys tested for their yellow belts two weeks ago, and after an interminable ten days of suspense found out they passed. We have some rather pleased, newly minted, Yellow Belts in the house. Now if only I could get them to practice the self control part and not the kicking part in line at the grocery store.

Test day

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