Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I love January's energy for taking stock and recalibrating.  Little things that I have been meaning to incorporate into life I suddenly have all sorts of energy for undertaking, like this little fallow field I have reserved on blogspot, like drinking more water, like swabbing out the toilet with something approximating regularity.  There is something nice about stopping and examining life, thinking about what practices I want to cultivate and which habits have taken more energy than their value merits.      

Under the thrall of January's reformatory zeitgeist, I found myself calling out to my household at large this evening, "It's Monday night."  Seth, crawling by me under a blanket, poked his head out long enough for a one word query. "So?" 

"All the kids must floss Monday, Wednesday, Friday."  I proclaimed, as if this law had suddenly come down on stone tablets from a visit atop Mount Sinai and not from our dental hygienist's polite suggestion last month. 

It is just this sort of thing that I like about January though, all the little niggling details and all the expansive big dreams come trotting out together and every one gets jotted down on the same draft checklist: Take Fermented Cod Liver Oil rubs elbows with Write More!; Wipe Down the Sink makes a one-time bedfellow with Set Time Aside for Prayer.  But on the list they all go, unfiltered or organized, just like life, I suppose: the mundane and the holy all mixed up together.

So my children are off to floss (at least three times a week) and I am digging into my own goals, big and little, and setting my intentions that this year with the fermented cod liver oil, clean sink and progress on my novels there is also more imagination, more love, more joy, more blog.  Cheers to that!

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