Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Let me just say there are days when what I need is this:

What am I supposed to be seeing? you might be asking. Nothing. Just unbroken, unpunctuated, roll of grass on a hillside, a simple tawny arc against blue sky. Some days this is what I set off to the hills looking for. For me, the uncluttered view seems to reduce life to its elemental components: earth, sky. And still these are more than can be taken in.


Clementine, Alice said...

Nothing. Perfectly Empty.

There is a children's book that we just checked out from the library, titled, "Nothing". We are liking it.

laji said...

Do you know the children's book "The Gift of Nothing"? We love that one too.

Becky W. Evans said...

So nice to be back to reading your blog. This photo is what draws me to the west...and your backyard!